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The First Christmas
(5 part series)
1- Why December 25?
2 - Why Won't Christian Apologists Defend Matthew's Christmas Star of Bethlehem?
3 - Is Doctor Saint Luke's Christmas Story a Historical Malpractice?
4 - The Virgin Birth Prophecy: Miracle or Marketing?
5 - Slaughter Of The Innocents: Does God Really Love Little Children?
Info and links for each video
1 - Could Jesus see "all the kingdoms of the world" in a "moment of time"?
2 - Why do ships sink below the horizon even if the Earth is flat? Psalm 33:7
3 - How far is the East from the West? Psalm 103:12
4 - Is Earth a Circle or a Sphere?
5 - Does a Flat Earth Float "Above the Waters"?
6 - Did God spread out a flat Earth and cover it with a tent-like sky?